Universal Law: Mondays Must Suck

Today is one of those days where “I just can’t even.” Literally, stapling papers together today seems like an odious chore. I look at my expenses that need sorting, and its giving me a stress headache. Don’t even get me started on my email inbox. The glaring (180) next to the line Unread Inbox may send me into an all over panic attack.

Perhaps its because I took Friday off to take the kiddos to Disney on Ice – (Seriously? $15 for a damn lemonade? Disney sure is ridiculous!). I am always out of whack after a long weekend, or a vacation. Perhaps its because I stayed up too late watching T.V. with my husband last night, knowing full well that my alarm would go off at 5:30 A.M. with annoyingly accurate precision. Or, most likely, its because no matter what happened, today is Monday and universal law decrees that Mondays must suck. I’m going to go with that.

Plus my hair is having a shit-fit. And I have a blister from my shoe. Why don’t we just add in a zit and make this an extra special Monday? I need more coffee to combat this.

So, how is your Monday going? If you say good, I may hurt you.

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